

Welcome to IDEEL.TECH - the originator of the IDEEL connector. What is the IDEEL connector? It’s an industry-standard connector used for in-ear headphones. We use the term IEM (in-ear monitor), but there are many other terms that would apply:

  1. Earbud

  2. Earphone

  3. In-ear Headphone

We’ll stick with IEM as it’s really simple and conveys all appropriate meaning.

Here are a set of links that will help you understand what IDEEL is, how to use it, what is involved in its use, and where to acquire your own IDEEL connectors.

  1. Why IDEEL?

  2. IDEEL History

  3. IDEEL Documentation (including drawings)

  4. IDEEL Renders

  5. IDEEL License

Additionally, we maintain a list of IDEEL partners. Partners are either companies that use IDEEL in their own products, or companies that manufacture IDEEL connectors. If you know of someone who should be on this list, please do not hesitate to let us know and we’ll reach out and include them if desired!

Contact us at mailto:info@ideel.tech

Created by admin. Last Modification: Friday June 5, 2020 21:06:11 GMT-0000 by DanWiggins.